Tiger, Cherry, Odessa, Green, Albino Oh My!

Barbs are a type of fish in the minnow family Cyprinidae. They are known for their lively, hardy, and colorful disposition. To keep them happy, it's best to keep them in groups of at least five or more. As they are very active, it's important to choose tank mates that can tolerate their boisterous nature. Long-finned fish are not the best companions for some barb species, such as the tiger barb. However, selective breeding has produced long-fin varieties of many barb species, including the tiger barb. If you're considering keeping barbs, it's worth checking out the overviews of different barb species to determine which one is best for one is best for you.







Look at me, Look at me!  Zoom, Zoom!

The following is an accurate description of the Tiger Barb, which is a beautiful and active swimmer and easy to care for. However, they are known for being fin nippers, so it is recommended to choose their tank mates accordingly. They should be kept with other fast swimmers that do not have long fins, such as zebra danios, silver-tip tetras, and loaches. To spread out their aggression, it is recommended to keep them in larger schools of 5-12. Tiger Barbs are considered semi-aggressive, so it is advised to add some appropriate leaf litter, driftwood, and caves, while still maintaining some open swimming areas to mimic their natural environment.


I'm too sexy for my tank, too sexy!

The Cherry barb is one of the most peaceful barbs available.  They are great for nano tanks and are good for beginners with an established tank. They are schooling fish, so 6+ is a good start.  The male Barb is deep cherry red, while females have a more rusty appearance.  Feeding a high-quality krill-based food and baby brine shrimp will ensure they POP! with color. An aquarium with a darker substrate and well-planted and floating plants like hornwort, water wisteria, and anacharis.




Odessa Barbs are friendly, quiet, and enthusiastic fish.

Odessa barbs are social fish that prefer to be in groups of around 5-6 tank mates. They are highly active swimmers, so a larger tank is recommended. A planted aquarium with floating plants, driftwood, and rocks can provide a secure and suitable environment for them. Some suitable tank mates for Odessa Barbs include Apistogramma, Rasbora, Tetras, Bristlenose Pleco, and Bolivian Ram Cichlid.



DENISON BARB ( Roseline Shark)

Denison barbs are highly active, fast swimmers

The Denison Barb, also known as Roseline Shark, is a highly active and fast-swimming fish. In the wild, they inhabit rocky underwater environments with solid heavy vegetation. To replicate their natural habitat in an aquarium, it is best to have similar features. Denison barbs are not territorial, but they do require a longer aquarium to allow plenty of open water for swimming without any hindrances. These fish can grow up to six inches long and have a lifespan of around five years. They have a slender body shape, much like a shark, with a rounded belly and soft, translucent fins. To keep them happy and healthy, it is recommended to keep them in a group of six or more.




Tiger Barbs come in a variety of different colors.

This fish needs to be kept in schools. The larger the school, the better, with nine fish, a good minimum amount. If kept in smaller schools, the weaker individuals will be harassed continuously by the more aggressive individuals until they die. Tiger Barbs have a tendency to nip the fins of slow fish and ones that have long-flowing fins. The way to combat this is to keep them in a large enough school. If this is done, they will generally keep themselves busy within the school and usually not bother their tankmates too much. If kept with smaller fish, they too should be kept in a school.